Welcome to Gephi! Gephi is an open-source software for visualizing and analysing large networks graphs. Gephi uses a 3D render engine to display graphs in real-time and speed up the exploration. You can use it to explore, analyse, spatialise, filter, cluterize, manipulate and export all types of graphs.
Getting Started
New to Gephi? These guides are for you. The following pages should introduce you to the Gephi project, basic features and installation.

- Goals and Principles of the project
- System Requirements, Installation, Release Notes
- User interface description
- Exported File Formats
Official Tutorials
Gephi is really easy to handle if you learn the basics. Let's follow these tutorials to quickly manage the main features!

Popular Tutorials by the Community:
- Gephi tutorials maintained by Clément Levallois
- Gephi – Introduction to Network Analysis and Visualization
- Using Netvizz & Gephi to Analyze a Facebook Network
- Getting Started With The Gephi – My Facebook Network
- Dynamic Networks in Gephi: From Twapperkeeper to GEXF
- Generating graphs of retweets and @-messages on Twitter using R and Gephi
- Text Network Analysis
- Visualize keywords and landing pages from Google Analytics
Various Tutorials in Video:
- How to group elements, apply filters, use the timeline, and receive a live graph stream.
- Facebook Network Analysis
- Text Network Analysis
- Proliferating Information through Communities
- PubMed-derived Citation Data
Non-English Tutorials:
In French:
- Analyser graphiquement son réseau facebook
- Cartographier vos informations avec Gephi
- Introduction aux graphes avec Neo4j et Gephi
- Exploration visuelle d’un netlinking, réseaux de données, et plus encore… (Part I)
In Spanish:
In Chinese:
Let's download and try some datasets available on the wiki, like C.elegans brain network or the web mapping study EuroSiS for the European Union.
Practical cases
A Twitter tag, #madewithgephi, has been adopted to tell when Gephi was used. You can find a compilation of (some! of) these works on the forum.
Facebook group
Many experienced users can provide help on this group.
New users are welcome to post questions at the Gephi Support Forums. If you have a technical problem and have read the frequently asked support questions, and still can't find the answer, register then click the "[Create New Topic]" link and fill out the form to pose your question to forum members.
The Community portal centralizes all information for a better life :)
Published papers highlight Gephi usages and techniques. We have a collection of papers in which reseachers use Gephi, or explaining the underlying ideas.
Discover our roadmap and submit your whishes in this wiki page.