Nodes tables and edge tables are the file formats used in the Data Laboratory to import data from Excel. It is a convenient way to transform any Excel data for Gephi without programming. The file extension is CSV, though it should not be confused with the CSV file format itself.

Each row is a node or edge entry. It supports nodes and edges attributes, edge weight and dynamics with time intervals.

See how to import spreadsheet data on the wiki.


Basic example

The sample below shows a node table of of three nodes. The column of node identifiers must be named “Id”.

The sample below shows an edge table of of two edge. The columns must be named “Source” and “Target”.


There tables are the same as above with labels. The columns of labels must be named “Label”.

Node Table:
A;"Node A"
B;"Node B"
C;"Node C"

Edge Table:
A;B;"Edge from A to B"
C;A;"Edge from C to A"

Edge identifiers

Add a column named “Id” in the edge table.

Edge types

Add a column named “Type” in the edge table. Values must be either “Directed”, “Undirected” or “Mixed”.

Edge weights

Add a column named “Weight” in the edge table.

Node and edge attributes

Add a column with the name of your attribute in the corresponding table.

Node and edge time intervals

Add a column named “Time Interval” in the corresponding table. The characters “[ ]” are used to define closed intervals.This sample shows a node existing at the time steps <1,2> and 4.
Id,Time Interval

The characters “( )” are used to define open intervals. This sample shows a node existing just after the step 1 until step 10 included.
Id,Time Interval

Attribute time intervals

A dynamic string:
<[1.0, 2.0,a]; [4.0, 4.0,b]>
The dynamic parser splits intervals by ‘;’ and then [start,end,value] by ‘,’ (to a maximum of 3 parts) so If you put spaces they will get to the string values. Also ‘;’ can’t be used in the strings because of this.

A dynamic number:
<[1.0, 2.0, 1]; [4.0, 4.0, 3]; [6.0, 8.0, -2]>