Column |
AttributeColumnsController.addAttributeColumn(Table table,
String title,
Class type) |
Adds a new column to the specified table with the given title and type of column.
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.averageNumberMerge(Table table,
Column[] columnsToMerge,
String newColumnTitle) |
Merges any combination of number or number list columns, calculating the average of all not null values
and puts the result of each row in a new column of BIGDECIMAL AttributeType .
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.booleanLogicOperationsMerge(Table table,
Column[] columnsToMerge,
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.BooleanOperations[] booleanOperations,
String newColumnTitle) |
Strategy to apply only to all boolean columns.
Map<Object,Integer> |
AttributeColumnsController.calculateColumnValuesFrequencies(Table table,
Column column) |
Calculates the absolute frequency of appearance of each value of the given column and returns a Map containing each different value mapped to its frequency of appearance.
void |
AttributeColumnsController.clearColumnData(Table table,
Column column) |
Clears all rows data for a given column of a table (nodes table or edges table)
Column |
AttributeColumnsController.convertAttributeColumnToDynamic(Table table,
Column column,
double low,
double high) |
Converts and replaces a table column with a dynamic column preserving original column values.
Column |
AttributeColumnsController.convertAttributeColumnToNewDynamicColumn(Table table,
Column column,
double low,
double high,
String newColumnTitle) |
Converts a table column into a new dynamic column preserving original column values.
void |
AttributeColumnsController.copyColumnDataToOtherColumn(Table table,
Column sourceColumn,
Column targetColumn) |
Copies all row values of a column to another column.
Column |
AttributeColumnsController.createBooleanMatchesColumn(Table table,
Column column,
String newColumnTitle,
Pattern pattern) |
Creates a new BOOLEAN column from the given column and regular expression
filling it with boolean values that indicate if each of the old column values match the regular expression.
Column |
AttributeColumnsController.createFoundGroupsListColumn(Table table,
Column column,
String newColumnTitle,
Pattern pattern) |
Creates a new LIST_STRING column from the given column and regular expression with values that are
the list of matching groups for the given regular expression for each row.
void |
AttributeColumnsController.deleteAttributeColumn(Table table,
Column column) |
Deletes the specified column from a table if the table has the column and data laboratory behaviour allows to delete it (see canDeleteColumn method).
Column |
AttributeColumnsController.duplicateColumn(Table table,
Column column,
String title,
Class type) |
Duplicates a given column of a table and copies al row values.
void |
DataLaboratoryHelper.executeAttributeColumnsManipulator(AttributeColumnsManipulator m,
GraphModel graphModel,
Table table,
Column column) |
Prepares the dialog UI of a AttributeColumnsManipulator if it has one and executes the manipulator in a separate
Thread when the dialog is accepted or directly if there is no UI.
void |
AttributeColumnsController.fillColumnWithValue(Table table,
Column column,
String value) |
Fills the data values of a given column of a table with a value as a String,
parsing it for the Class of the column.
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.firstQuartileNumberMerge(Table table,
Column[] columnsToMerge,
String newColumnTitle) |
Merges any combination of number or number list columns, calculating the first quartile (Q1) of all not null values
and puts the result of each row in a new column of BIGDECIMAL AttributeType .
Number[] |
AttributeColumnsController.getColumnNumbers(Table table,
Column column) |
Prepares an array with all not null numbers of all the rows of a given column.
BigDecimal[] |
AttributeColumnsController.getNumberOrNumberListColumnStatistics(Table table,
Column column) |
Calculates all statistics at once from a number/number list column using MathUtils class.
Element[] |
AttributeColumnsController.getTableAttributeRows(Table table) |
Returns all rows of a given table (node or edges table).
int |
AttributeColumnsController.getTableRowsCount(Table table) |
Counts the number of rows of a table (nodes or edges table) and returns the result.
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.interQuartileRangeNumberMerge(Table table,
Column[] columnsToMerge,
String newColumnTitle) |
Merges any combination of number or number list columns, calculating the interquartile range (IQR) of all not null values
and puts the result of each row in a new column of BIGDECIMAL AttributeType .
boolean |
AttributeColumnsController.isEdgeTable(Table table) |
Checks if the given table is edges table.
boolean |
AttributeColumnsController.isNodeTable(Table table) |
Checks if the given table is nodes table.
boolean |
AttributeColumnsController.isTableColumn(Table table,
Column column) |
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.joinWithSeparatorMerge(Table table,
Column[] columnsToMerge,
Class newColumnType,
String newColumnTitle,
String separator) |
Joins various columns of any type into a new column using the given separator string (or null).
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.maxValueNumbersMerge(Table table,
Column[] columnsToMerge,
String newColumnTitle) |
Merges any combination of number or number list columns, calculating the maximum value of all not null values
and puts the result of each row in a new column of BIGDECIMAL AttributeType .
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.medianNumberMerge(Table table,
Column[] columnsToMerge,
String newColumnTitle) |
Merges any combination of number or number list columns, calculating the median of all not null values
and puts the result of each row in a new column of BIGDECIMAL AttributeType .
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.mergeDateColumnsToTimeInterval(Table table,
Column startColumn,
Column endColumn,
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat,
String defaultStartDate,
String defaultEndDate) |
Merge 1 or 2 columns creating a time interval for each row.
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.mergeNumericColumnsToTimeInterval(Table table,
Column startColumn,
Column endColumn,
double defaultStart,
double defaultEnd) |
Merge 1 or 2 columns creating a time interval for each row.
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.minValueNumbersMerge(Table table,
Column[] columnsToMerge,
String newColumnTitle) |
Merges any combination of number or number list columns, calculating the minimum value of all not null values
and puts the result of each row in a new column of BIGDECIMAL AttributeType .
void |
AttributeColumnsController.negateBooleanColumn(Table table,
Column column) |
Negates not null values of a given BOOLEAN or LIST_BOOLEAN column.
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.sumNumbersMerge(Table table,
Column[] columnsToMerge,
String newColumnTitle) |
Merges any combination of number or number list columns, calculating the sum of all not null values
and puts the result of each row in a new column of BIGDECIMAL AttributeType .
Column |
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.thirdQuartileNumberMerge(Table table,
Column[] columnsToMerge,
String newColumnTitle) |
Merges any combination of number or number list columns, calculating the third quartile (Q3) of all not null values
and puts the result of each row in a new column of BIGDECIMAL AttributeType .