Interface AttributeColumnsController

  • public interface AttributeColumnsController

    This interface defines part of the Data Laboratory API basic actions.

    It contains methods for manipulating the attributes and properties of nodes and edges.

    Eduardo Ramos
    • Method Detail

      • setAttributeValue

        boolean setAttributeValue​(Object value,
                                  Element row,
                                  Column column)

        Sets a value to the given row,column pair (cell). If the class of the value is not the column type class, it will try to parse the toString representation of the value.

        Takes care to avoid parsing exceptions of the target column type.

        Also, this will not set a null value to a column that can't have null values (see canClearColumnData method) if the given object is null or the parsing fails.

        value - Value to set, can be null
        row - Row
        column - Column
        True if the value was set, false otherwise
      • addAttributeColumn

        Column addAttributeColumn​(Table table,
                                  String title,
                                  Class type)

        Adds a new column to the specified table with the given title and type of column.

        The title for the new column can't be repeated in the table, null or an empty string.


        The id of the column will be set to the same as the title, but if the first TimeInterval column of the table is created it will be given the default dynamic time interval id to be able to use dynamic filters.

        The AttributeOrigin of the column will be set to DATA.

        Default column value will be set to null.

        table - Table to add the column
        title - Title for the new column, can't be repeated in the table, null or empty string
        type - Type for the new column
        The created column or null if the column could not be created
      • duplicateColumn

        Column duplicateColumn​(Table table,
                               Column column,
                               String title,
                               Class type)

        Duplicates a given column of a table and copies al row values.

        If the Class for the new column is different from the old column type, it will try to parse each value. If it is not possible, the value will be set to null.

        The title for the new column can't be repeated in the table, null or an empty string.


        The id of the column will be set to the title.

        The AttributeOrigin of the column will be set to DATA.

        Default column value will be set to null.

        table - Table of the column to duplicate
        column - Column to duplicate
        title - Title for the new column
        type - Class for the new column
        The created column or null if the column could not be created
      • copyColumnDataToOtherColumn

        void copyColumnDataToOtherColumn​(Table table,
                                         Column sourceColumn,
                                         Column targetColumn)

        Copies all row values of a column to another column.

        If the Class for the target is different from the source column type, it will try to parse each value. If it is not possible, the value will be set to null.

        Source and target columns must be different.

        table - Table of the columns
        sourceColumn - Source column
        targetColumn - Target column
      • deleteAttributeColumn

        void deleteAttributeColumn​(Table table,
                                   Column column)

        Deletes the specified column from a table if the table has the column and data laboratory behaviour allows to delete it (see canDeleteColumn method).

        table - Table to delete the column
        column - Column to delete
      • convertAttributeColumnToDynamic

        Column convertAttributeColumnToDynamic​(Table table,
                                               Column column,
                                               double low,
                                               double high)

        Converts and replaces a table column with a dynamic column preserving original column values.

        This should be used only in columns where the canConvertColumnToDynamic returns true

        For graphs with INTERVAL TimeRepresentation, the new values have a default interval that uses the low and high parameters.

        For graphs with TIMESTAMP TimeRepresentation, the new values have a default timestamp that uses the low parameter, high parameter is ignored.

        table - Table of the column
        column - Column to convert and replace
        low - Low bound for default interval or default timestamp
        high - High bound for default interval or ignored for timestamps
        The new column
      • convertAttributeColumnToNewDynamicColumn

        Column convertAttributeColumnToNewDynamicColumn​(Table table,
                                                        Column column,
                                                        double low,
                                                        double high,
                                                        String newColumnTitle)

        Converts a table column into a new dynamic column preserving original column values. The original column is kept intact

        For graphs with INTERVAL TimeRepresentation, the new values have a default interval that uses the low and high parameters.

        For graphs with TIMESTAMP TimeRepresentation, the new values have a default timestamp that uses the low parameter, high parameter is ignored.

        table - Table of the column
        column - Column to convert to dynamic
        low - Low bound for default interval or default timestamp
        high - High bound for default interval or ignored for timestamps
        newColumnTitle - Title for the new dynamic column
        The new column
      • fillColumnWithValue

        void fillColumnWithValue​(Table table,
                                 Column column,
                                 String value)

        Fills the data values of a given column of a table with a value as a String, parsing it for the Class of the column. If it is not possible to parse, the value will be set to null.

        table - Table of the column
        column - Column to fill
        value - String representation of the value for each row of the column
      • fillNodesColumnWithValue

        void fillNodesColumnWithValue​(Node[] nodes,
                                      Column column,
                                      String value)

        Fills the data values of a given column of the indicated nodes with a value as a String, parsing it for the Class of the column. If it is not possible to parse, the value will be set to null.

        nodes - Nodes to fill
        column - Column to fill
        value - String representation of the value for the column for each node
      • fillEdgesColumnWithValue

        void fillEdgesColumnWithValue​(Edge[] edges,
                                      Column column,
                                      String value)

        Fills the data values of a given column of the indicated edges with a value as a String, parsing it for the Class of the column. If it is not possible to parse, the value will be set to null.

        edges - Edges to fill
        column - Column to fill
        value - String representation of the value for the column for each edge
      • clearColumnData

        void clearColumnData​(Table table,
                             Column column)

        Clears all rows data for a given column of a table (nodes table or edges table)

        table - Table to clear column data
        column - Column to clear data
      • calculateColumnValuesFrequencies

        Map<Object,​Integer> calculateColumnValuesFrequencies​(Table table,
                                                                   Column column)

        Calculates the absolute frequency of appearance of each value of the given column and returns a Map containing each different value mapped to its frequency of appearance.

        table - Table of the column
        column - Column to calculate values frequencies
        Map containing each different value mapped to its frequency of appearance
      • createBooleanMatchesColumn

        Column createBooleanMatchesColumn​(Table table,
                                          Column column,
                                          String newColumnTitle,
                                          Pattern pattern)

        Creates a new BOOLEAN column from the given column and regular expression filling it with boolean values that indicate if each of the old column values match the regular expression.

        Title for the new column can't be repeated in the table, null or empty.

        table - Table of the column to match
        column - Column to match
        newColumnTitle - Title for the new boolean column
        pattern - Regular expression to match
        New created column or null if title is not correct
      • negateBooleanColumn

        void negateBooleanColumn​(Table table,
                                 Column column)

        Negates not null values of a given BOOLEAN or LIST_BOOLEANcolumn.

        Throws IllegalArgumentException if the column does not have BOOLEAN or LIST_BOOLEAN Class.

        table - Table of the column to negate
        column - Boolean column to negate
      • createFoundGroupsListColumn

        Column createFoundGroupsListColumn​(Table table,
                                           Column column,
                                           String newColumnTitle,
                                           Pattern pattern)

        Creates a new LIST_STRING column from the given column and regular expression with values that are the list of matching groups for the given regular expression for each row.

        The title for the new column can't be repeated in the table, null or an empty string.

        table - Table of the column to match
        column - Column to match
        newColumnTitle - Title for the new boolean column
        pattern - Regular expression to match
        New created column or null if title is not correct
      • clearNodeData

        void clearNodeData​(Node node,
                           Column[] columnsToClear)

        Clears all node attributes except computed attributes and id, checking first that the node is in the graph.

        Columns to clear can be specified, but id and computed columns will not be cleared.

        node - Node to clear data
        columnsToClear - Columns of the node to clear. All columns will be cleared if it is null
      • clearNodesData

        void clearNodesData​(Node[] nodes,
                            Column[] columnsToClear)

        Clears all the nodes attributes except computed attributes and id.

        Columns to clear can be specified, but id and computed columns will not be cleared.

        nodes - Array of nodes to clear data
        columnsToClear - Columns of the nodes to clear. All columns will be cleared if it is null
      • clearEdgeData

        void clearEdgeData​(Edge edge,
                           Column[] columnsToClear)

        Clears all edge attributes except computed attributes and id.

        Columns to clear can be specified, but id and computed columns will not be cleared.

        edge - Edge to clear data
        columnsToClear - Columns of the edge to clear. All columns will be cleared if it is null
      • clearEdgesData

        void clearEdgesData​(Edge[] edges,
                            Column[] columnsToClear)

        Clears all the edges attributes except computed attributes and id, checking first that the edges are in the graph.

        Columns to clear can be specified, but id and computed columns will not be cleared.

        edges - Array of edges to clear data
        columnsToClear - Columns of the edges to clear. All columns will be cleared if it is null
      • clearRowData

        void clearRowData​(Element row,
                          Column[] columnsToClear)

        Clears row attributes except computed attributes and id if node/edge row.

        Columns to clear can be specified, but id of node/edge and computed columns will not be cleared.

        row - Array of rows to clear data
        columnsToClear - Columns of the row to clear. All columns will be cleared if it is null
      • copyNodeDataToOtherNodes

        void copyNodeDataToOtherNodes​(Node node,
                                      Node[] otherNodes,
                                      Column[] columnsToCopy)

        Copies attributes data of the given node to the other rows except computed attributes and id.

        Columns to copy can be specified, but id node and computed columns will not be copied.

        node - Node to copy data from
        otherNodes - Nodes to copy data to
        columnsToCopy - Columns of the node to copy. All columns will be copied if it is null
      • copyEdgeDataToOtherEdges

        void copyEdgeDataToOtherEdges​(Edge edge,
                                      Edge[] otherEdges,
                                      Column[] columnsToCopy)

        Copies attributes data of the given edge to the other rows except computed attributes and id.

        Columns to copy can be specified, but id edge and computed columns will not be copied.

        edge - Edge to copy data from
        otherEdges - Edges to copy data to
        columnsToCopy - Columns of the edge to copy. All columns will be copied if it is null
      • copyRowDataToOtherRows

        void copyRowDataToOtherRows​(Element row,
                                    Element[] otherRows,
                                    Column[] columnsToCopy)

        Copies attributes data of the given row to the other rows except computed attributes and id if node/edge.

        Columns to copy can be specified, but id of node/edge and computed columns will not be copied.

        row - Row to copy data from
        otherRows - Rows to copy data to
        columnsToCopy - Columns of the row to copy. All columns will be copied if it is null
      • getTableAttributeRows

        Element[] getTableAttributeRows​(Table table)

        Returns all rows of a given table (node or edges table).

        Used for iterating through all attribute rows of a table

        table - Table to get attribute rows
        Array of attribute rows of the table
      • getTableRowsCount

        int getTableRowsCount​(Table table)

        Counts the number of rows of a table (nodes or edges table) and returns the result.

        Uses GraphElementsController getNodesCount and getEdgesCount to calculate the result.

        table -
        the number of rows in table
      • isNodeTable

        boolean isNodeTable​(Table table)

        Checks if the given table is nodes table.

        table - Table to check
        True if the table is nodes table, false otherwise
      • isEdgeTable

        boolean isEdgeTable​(Table table)

        Checks if the given table is edges table.

        table - Table to check
        True if the table is edges table, false otherwise
      • isTableColumn

        boolean isTableColumn​(Table table,
                              Column column)
      • isNodeColumn

        boolean isNodeColumn​(Column column)
      • isEdgeColumn

        boolean isEdgeColumn​(Column column)
      • canDeleteColumn

        boolean canDeleteColumn​(Column column)

        Indicates if the Data Laboratory API behaviour allows to delete the given column of a table.

        The behaviour is: Any column that does not have a AttributeOrigin of type PROPERTY can be deleted.

        column - Column to check if it can be deleted
        True if it can be deleted, false otherwise
      • canChangeColumnData

        boolean canChangeColumnData​(Column column)

        Indicates if the Data Laboratory API behaviour allows to change a value of the given column of a table.

        The behaviour is: Only values of columns with AttributeOrigin of type DATA or a node/edge label and weight column can be changed. (but weight can't be null. see canClearColumnData method).

        column - Column to check if values can be changed
        True if the column values can be changed, false otherwise
      • canClearColumnData

        boolean canClearColumnData​(Column column)

        Indicates if the Data Laboratory API behaviour allows to set as null a value of the given column of a table.

        The behaviour is: Only values of columns with AttributeOrigin of type DATA or a node/edge label column can be set to null. Edge weight can't be null

        column - Column to check if values can be changed
        True if the column values can be changed, false otherwise
      • canConvertColumnToDynamic

        boolean canConvertColumnToDynamic​(Column column)

        Indicates if the Data Laboratory API behaviour allows to convert an existing column into its dynamic equivalent.

        The behaviour is: Only values of columns with AttributeOrigin of type DATA and edge weight can be converted.

        column - Column to check if can be converted
        True if the column can be converted to dynamic, false otherwise
      • getNumberOrNumberListColumnStatistics

        BigDecimal[] getNumberOrNumberListColumnStatistics​(Table table,
                                                           Column column)

        Calculates all statistics at once from a number/number list column using MathUtils class.

        Returns an array of length=8 of BigDecimal numbers with the results in the following order:
        1. average
        2. first quartile (Q1)
        3. median
        4. third quartile (Q3)
        5. interquartile range (IQR)
        6. sum
        7. minimumValue
        8. maximumValue

        The column can only be a number/number list column.

        Otherwise, a IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

        table - Table of the column
        column - Column to get statistics
        Array with statistics
      • getColumnNumbers

        Number[] getColumnNumbers​(Table table,
                                  Column column)

        Prepares an array with all not null numbers of all the rows of a given column.

        The column can only be a number/number list column.

        Otherwise, a IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

        table - Table of the column to get numbers
        column - Column to get numbers
        Array with all numbers.
      • getRowsColumnNumbers

        Number[] getRowsColumnNumbers​(Element[] rows,
                                      Column column)

        Prepares an array only with all not null numbers the indicated rows of a given column.

        The column can only be a number/number list column.

        Otherwise, a IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

        rows - Rows to get numbers
        column - Column to get numbers
        Array with all numbers.
      • getRowNumbers

        Number[] getRowNumbers​(Element row,
                               Column[] columns)

        Prepares an array with all not null numbers of a row using only the given columns.

        The columns can only be number/dynamic number/number list columns (in any combination).

        All numbers intervals of a dynamic number column will be used.

        Otherwise, a IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

        row - Row to get numbers
        columns - Columns of the row to use
        Array with all numbers
      • mergeRowsValues

        void mergeRowsValues​(Column[] columns,
                             AttributeRowsMergeStrategy[] mergeStrategies,
                             Element[] rows,
                             Element selectedRow,
                             Element resultRow)

        Merges the given rows values to the given result row using one merge strategy for each column of the table.

        The number of columns must be equal to the number of merge strategies provided

        No parameters can be null except selectedRow (first row will be used in case selectedRow is null)

        If any strategy is null, the value of the selectedRow will be used

        columns - Columns to apply a merge strategy in each row
        mergeStrategies - Strategies for each column in columns
        rows - Rows to merge (at least 1)
        selectedRow - Main selected row or null (first row will be used in case selectedRow is null)
        resultRow - Already existing row to put the values on
      • detectNodeDuplicatesByColumn

        List<List<Node>> detectNodeDuplicatesByColumn​(Column column,
                                                      boolean caseSensitive)

        Finds and returns nodes duplicates based on the values of a given column of nodes table

        A node is a duplicate of other if they have the same value (String representation of the values is used) in the given column.

        This is useful to be used to automatically merge duplicated nodes

        column - Column to use values to detect duplicates
        caseSensitive - Case insensitivity when comparing the column values
        List of node duplicates groups (at least 2 nodes in each group)