Interface RenderTargetBuilder

  • public interface RenderTargetBuilder
    Builds and returns new RenderTarget instances.

    Render targets are the rendering container and are built by RenderTargetBuilder implementations. Each render target is associated to it's preview model and shouldn't be reused across models. The PreviewModel provides methods to retrieve properties and dimensions of the graph.

    Render targets are singleton services and implementations need to add the following annotation to be recognized by the system:


    Mathieu Bastian
    • Method Detail

      • buildRenderTarget

        RenderTarget buildRenderTarget​(PreviewModel previewModel)
        Builds a new render target using the properties and dimensions defined in previewModel.
        previewModel - the preview model to get the dimensions and properties from
        a new render target instance
      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the name of the target builder. This value is used by the PreviewController to identify render targets.
        the name of the target builder