Interface LayoutController

  • public interface LayoutController
    A LayoutController is the one responsible for controlling the states of the LayoutModel. It always controls the current workspace model.

    This controller is a singleton and can therefore be found in Lookup:

    LayoutController lc = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(LayoutController.class);
    Mathieu Bastian
    • Method Detail

      • setLayout

        void setLayout​(Layout layout)
        Sets the Layout to execute.
        layout - the layout that is to be selected
      • executeLayout

        void executeLayout()
        Executes the current Layout.
      • executeLayout

        void executeLayout​(int numIterations)
        Executes the current layout for numIterations iterations.
        numIterations - the number of iterations of the algorithm
      • canExecute

        boolean canExecute()
        Determine if the current Layout can be executed.
        true if the layout is executable.
      • stopLayout

        void stopLayout()
        Stop the Layout's execution.
      • canStop

        boolean canStop()
        Determine if the current Layout execution can be stopped. If the current Layout is not running, it generally cannot be stopped.
        true if the layout can be stopped.