Interface Processor

  • public interface Processor
    Interface that define the way data are unloaded from containers and appended to the workspace.

    The purpose of processors is to unload data from the import containers and push it to the workspace, with various strategies. For instance, a processor could either create a new workspace or append data to the current workspace, managing duplicates.

    Mathieu Bastian
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • process

        void process()
        Process data from the container to the workspace. This task is done after an importer pushed data to the container.
        See Also:
      • setContainers

        void setContainers​(ContainerUnloader[] containers)
        Sets the data containers. The processor's job is to get data from the containers and append it to the workspace.
        containers - the containers where data are
      • setWorkspace

        void setWorkspace​(Workspace workspace)
        Sets the destination workspace for the data in the containers. If no workspace is provided, the current workspace will be used.
        workspace - the workspace where data are to be pushed
      • getDisplayName

        String getDisplayName()
        Returns the processor's name.
        the processor display name
      • setProgressTicket

        void setProgressTicket​(ProgressTicket progressTicket)
        Sets the progress ticket.
        progressTicket - progress ticket
      • getReport

        Report getReport()
        Returns the report of the processor after processing is done, with possible warnings and errors.
        Processor report after processing