Uses of Package
Packages that use org.gephi.datalab.api Package Description org.gephi.datalab.api Data Laboratory API, all capabilites are exposed through various controllers. -
Classes in org.gephi.datalab.api used by org.gephi.datalab.api Class Description AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.BooleanOperations Enumeration that defines the supported logic operations for a merge withbooleanLogicOperationsMerge
strategy.DataLaboratoryHelper Helper class for simplifying the use of Data Laboratory API and SPI.SearchReplaceController.SearchOptions Class that wraps the different possible options of search and provides various useful constructors.SearchReplaceController.SearchResult Class that wraps the result of a search contaning the search options used for this result and the node or edge, row, column and start-end index of the value where ocurrence was found.