Interface AppearanceController

  • public interface AppearanceController
    Manage and controls the appearance of elements through visual transformations.

    This controller is a singleton and can therefore be found in Lookup:

    AppearanceController ac = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(AppearanceController.class);
    • Method Detail

      • setUseRankingLocalScale

        void setUseRankingLocalScale​(boolean useLocalScale)
        Sets whether rankings use a local or a global scale. When calculating the minimum and maximum value (i.e. the scale) rankings can use the complete graph or only the currently visible graph. When using the visible graph it is called the local scale.
        useLocalScale - true for local, false for global
      • setUsePartitionLocalScale

        void setUsePartitionLocalScale​(boolean useLocalScale)
        Sets whether partitions use a local or a global scale. When calculating the partitions it can use the complete graph or only the currently visible graph. When using the visible graph it is called the local scale.
        useLocalScale - true for local, false for global
      • setTransformNullValues

        void setTransformNullValues​(boolean transformNullValues)
        Sets whether elements with null values are also transformed. Default value is false/
        transformNullValues - true to transform also null values, false to ignore
      • transform

        void transform​(Function function)
        Apply the function's transformer. If the function is for nodes all nodes in the visible graph will be transformed. Similarly for edges.
        function - function to transform
      • getModel

        AppearanceModel getModel()
        Returns the appearance model for the current workspace.
        appearance model
      • getModel

        AppearanceModel getModel​(Workspace workspace)
        Returns the appearance model for the given workspace.
        workspace - workspace
        appearance model
      • getTransformer

        Transformer getTransformer​(TransformerUI ui)
        Returns the transformer associated with the given transformer UI.
        ui - user interface instance
        transformer instance or null if not found